about me
you most definitely already know this, but my name's lauren. if we're just meeting, you can call me bunny, if you like, but i prefer that close friends call me lauren. i'm also trying out the name ari right now and i think i like it :]
my birthday is 21/04/2001 (easier than typing my age, huh) and i'm from the uk.
labelling myself has recently become tricky for me; i'm growing increasingly attached to calling myself queer and simply concluding that i'm attracted to who i'm attracted to and that labels are stupid. while i wouldn't call myself trans i wouldn't call myself cis either - i tend to see my gender lying somewhere in the middle. again, it's something i find difficult to label, but for now i guess demigirl is good enough.
i have very big emotions! usually, that's a nice thing, but i know i can let them run away with me sometimes. often it feels like no one else is capable of feeling emotions to the degree that i do. that's alright, though. i try to channel my overwhelming feelings into things i can do creatively, like drawing or writing. while i'm not diagnosed, i identify with a lot of traits commonly associated with autism and adhd. embracing this has made me a lot more in touch with myself! yippee!
my biggest passion is my original characters! there are a lot of things in this silly head of mine and i really hope one day i can present them to a wider audience in a comprehensible format. my current project is my interactive webcomic eye in the sky, a fancomic based on another webcomic, ecopportunityx
i really hope you enjoy my site!